Frequently Asked Questions
Age Requirements & Age Brackets
Q: At what age can I register my child for the coming season?
A: For T-Ball and Baseball the players age is based on their age as of May 1st of the physical season year (e.g., how old will your child be on May 1st, 2025).
A: For Softball, the players age is based on their age as of January 1st of the physical season year (e.g., how old will your child be on January 1st, 2025).
A: For T-BALL, players must be Four-years (4-years) of age on or before May 1st of the physical season year. If a child turns four (4) years after May 1st, they will need to wait until the next season to register. (Please note that children four (4) years of age wishing to play T-Ball MUST be 4 years of age by 5/1/2025, to play in the 2025 season, due to insurance and sanctioning body regulations, sorry no exceptions!)
A: Six-Year-old’s are placed in the Developmental COACH PITCH Division.
Q: What is the age requirements for each division?
A: TBALL & BASEBALL (Based on age as of May 1st of the season year)
- TBALL 4/5 – AGES 4-5
- MAJORS – AGES 11-12
- BABE RUTH – AGES 13-18
A: Softball (Based on age as of January 1st of the season year)
- U8 – Age 7-8*
- U10 – Age 9-10
- U12 – Age 11-12
- U14 – Age 13-14
*For softball players in the 8U division, players who turn 7 years of age on or in-between January 2nd – April 30th may register for 8U softball. All other division age requirements are unaffected.((NOTE:: In the event that registration numbers don’t support the individual divisions listed above some divisions (when deemed safe to do so) may be merged to allow for sufficient team and player counts to allow the kids to play without divisions having to be cancelled and refunds issued to players.))
Divisions and player ages
OBSA player division registrations are auto assigned at the time of signup based on your players age on specific dates during the season in which you are signing up for. Players may only sign up for divisions that are approved for their specific age.
How old are your players?
- Baseball, Intro Coach Pitch and T-Ball:
- “Age of Play” is based on the players physical age on May 1st of the season year.
- Softball players:
- Age of Play” is based on the players physical age on January 1st of the season year.
Playing up a division
Players can participate in season tryouts for the “opportunity” to play in “one age year division up” from their current age specific division. Players MUST check in for their “registered division” and tryout and be evaluated for their registered division AND the next age bracket division up
NOTE: There is no guaranteed placement in the next division up simply by attending the player evaluations and coaches cannot pick players that have not attended player evaluations. Players MUST have evaluation ratings (and checked in at evaluations) and cannot be picked by coaches until all natively registered players in the division have been placed on a team. At that point available space will be determined.
Please see the charts below to help determine your players age and proper division placement.
Registration Age & Division Reference Chart
DIVISION?4 TBALL 4/5 – – 5 TBALL 4/5 – – 6 DEV. COACH
15U14U – 14 BABE RUTH
15U14U – 15 BABE RUTH
18U– – 17 BABE RUTH
18U– – 18 BABE RUTH
Birthdate Between PLAY AGE (BASEBALL) Oldest Youngest AGE 4 5/02/2020 5/1/2021 AGE 5 5/02/2019 5/1/2020 AGE 6 5/02/2018 5/1/2019 AGE 7 5/02/2017 5/1/2018 AGE 8 5/02/2016 5/1/2017 AGE 9 5/02/2015 5/1/2016 AGE 10 5/02/2014 5/1/2015 AGE 11 5/02/2013 5/1/2014 AGE 12 5/02/2012 5/1/2013 AGE 13 5/02/2011 5/1/2012 AGE 14 5/02/2010 5/1/2011 AGE 15 5/02/2009 5/1/2010 AGE 16 5/02/2008 5/1/2009 AGE 17 5/02/2007 5/1/2008 AGE 18 5/02/2006 5/1/2007 2025 AGE CACULATOR (SOFTBALL)
Birthdate Between PLAY AGE (SOFTBALL) Oldest Youngest AGE 7 1/02/2017 4/30/2018 AGE 8 1/02/2016 1/01/2017 AGE 9 1/02/2015 1/01/2016 AGE 10 1/02/2014 1/01/2015 AGE 11 1/02/2013 1/01/2014 AGE 12 1/02/2012 1/01/2013 AGE 13 1/02/2011 1/01/2012 AGE 14 1/02/2010 1/01/2011 Bylaw and League Division Specific Rules
Please see our League Division Specific Rules page for the latest downloadable PDF files of the rules for each age group.
OBSA Bylaws
Game & Practice Info
Game & Practice Info
Q: When and where are games held?A: Games typically start mid march (please refer to the official calendar for OBSA and your teams app once teams are activated online) and play through the end of May with championships (for qualifying divisions) right before the holiday weekend.
Q: When do practices start?
A: Teams are approved to start practicing typically around the third week of February. The exact date teams are allowed to start is normally posted on league social media pages, on the league calendar and listed in your post purchase confirmation email. Please note that the date can vary from year to year so please don’t assume it is the same date annually.
Q: How many games should we expect to play each season?A: OBSA guarantees each team will play a minimum of 10 games per season. This number of games can be higher and will vary from season to season based on weather forecasts, required time off for national holidays, local events and select school functions in Oakdale. In optimum scheduling conditions and calendar years, teams “Could” play up to 14 games in a season. The official game count is typically not finalized until roughly the first week of march.
Q: When are games scheduled?
A: Teams will “normally” play two games per week (one weekday game and one weekend game); however, in the event of a previous rainout, teams may play more than two games during the week plus possible Saturday games.
Q: Where are games held?
A: Games are normally held at OBSA approved facilities within the city of Oakdale. These facilities can include:
1) TL Davis Sports Complex
2) Fair Oaks Elementary School
3) Cottles Wood Park
4) Kerr ParkDepending on registration numbers for the season and availability of facilities, some teams will have the opportunity to play with teams from the immediate surrounding communities. Games will usually be played in Oakdale; however, in some cases, teams may be required to play a game hosted in one of the local surrounding communities (i.e. Escalon, Riverbank, etc.)
Q: How Many Practices a week should we expect with our players team?
A: OBSA Coaches are required by their coaches code of conduct to provide a minimum of One (1) scheduled practice per week. However, some teams will have more practices than that depending on the team itself, player, parent and coach availability and weather/field conditions. In the event of weather and other unforeseeable facility conditions there may be some weeks where practices are not able to be conducted.
Q: Are practices conducted on baseball fields?
A: OBSA will make every effort to schedule practice block assignments for each division and their teams to practice on and at game facilities. However, this is not guaranteed to a wide range of factors. Practices may take place at parks, grass drainage basins etc within the Oakdale area.
Q: Are games and practices held during the Spring Break Vacation?
A: Yes, games and practices are held during the week of spring break, whenever the season falls in that time period. Please see the season schedule on our website.
Q: Are games or practices held on Sundays or Holidays?
A: Games and practices are not held on Sundays or major holidays like the Easter Holiday weekend, or on Good Friday,. OBSA also blocks games and practices for OJUSD Open House night for grades 1-8 and in observance of the Oakdale Rodeo Weekend.
Q: When are Schedules distributed?
A: Every attempt is to distribute season game schedules as soon and early as possible in the preseason. “Typically”, opening day season schedules are posted 2-3 weeks prior to opening day and the balance of the season games are “typically” posted via the league team app about 2 weeks prior to opening day. Please keep in mind that in some cases the release of the game schedules may be delayed to unforeseeable or uncontrollable circumstances.
How Much Does It Cost?
Q: How much does it cost to register for a season?
A: Below is a breakdown of pricing for the 2025 season (current as of October 1ST, 2025) and all additional information regarding costs and fundraising:
TBALL- Ages 4-5 Years(T-Ball): $155.00
- Ages 6 Years(I.C.P.): $145.00
- Ages 7 Years (Rookie): $180.00
- Ages 8 Years (Rookie): $180.00
- Ages 9 Years (Minors): $185.00
- Ages 10 Years (Minors): $185.00
- Ages 11-12 (Majors): $230.00
- Ages 13-18 (Babe Ruth): $230.00
- Ages 7-8 Years (8U): $180.00
- Ages 9-10 Years (10U): $185.00
- Ages 11-12 (12U): $200.00
- Ages 13-14 (14U): $200.00
*Note that all registration transactions will be charged a 3.6% per transaction credit card processing fee and a $3.00 SC processing fee.
Q: Is there a discount for multi-player registration?
A: No, there is no multi-player discount program for the current season.Q: Is there an early registration discount?
A: No, There is no early registration discount program for the current season.WHAT DOES THE LEAGUE PROVIDE? WHAT DO I NEED TO BUY?
Q: What does the league provide as far as uniform got my player?
A: As part of your registration costs, OBSA will provide each registered player a team jersey, team hat and color matching belt and socks. Players will be required to purchase their own pants (color to be decided by the coach) and age and size appropriate cleats at their own expense.
Q: Do I need to purchase equipment to play?
A: OBSA will provide each team a gear bag which will include a small quantity of helmets for each team and age appropriate catchers gear. However, OBSA does not provide gloves or bats for players as these are usually very specific in size and weight requirements for each player and their abilities. Most players and their parents/guardians also prefer to have their own helmets and to not share helmets between players. This truly is up to you.
Additionally, for TBall, OBSA will provide each team with a box of practice balls, a team batting “T”, a set of thrown down bases, and a box of game balls. All of this (aside from the practice and game balls) are required to be turned back to the league at the end of the season with the provided loaner gear bags!
For Softball and Baseball OBSA will provide each team with a box of division appropriate practice balls, and a box of game balls. These teams are required to return their gear bags and provided equipment (aside from the practice and game balls) at the end of the season!
How To Become a Volunteer?
OBSA is a 100% volunteer organization! We are looking for individuals striving to improve the community and contribute to our communities youth by making OBSA the premiere youth rec sports league in California. If you are interested please reach out to [email protected] and we will get you connected with the appropriate individuals to make this happen!
Made up of people from all walks of life many of our board members have been part of OBSA for many years. Executive board members are elected to hold a 2-year position on the board in their respective position and other board members are elected year to year. Board members hold monthly board meetings on the second Tuesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. at the Gene Bianachi Community Center in Oakdale.
As this organization is driven by dedicated and passionate members of the community we are always looking for new volunteers to join this team every year. If you are one of those people who loves kids and has the drive to support your community and its youth, with a passion for baseball and softball, please email [email protected] or come to our next monthly meeting at the Bianchi Center in Oakdale. We would love to have you!
Review the volunteer requirements here:
Our official form to register as a volunteer is located here:
Board Positions
Executive Board Positions
President 2-Year Term Vice president 2-Year Term Treasurer 2-Year Term Registrar 2-Year Term Secretary 2-Year Term Umpire-in-Chief 2-Year Term Director of Competitive Sports 1-Year Term
Annual Board PositionsEquipment Manager 1-Year Term Social Media Coordinator 1-Year Term Web/App Manager 1-Year Term Sponsorship Director 1-Year Term Scheduling Coordinator 1-Year Term TL Davis Field Manager 1-Year Term Special Events Coordinator 1-Year Term Concessions Manager 1-Year Term Registrar-2 1-Year Term Tball 4/5 Division President 1-Year Term Development Coach Pitch Division President 1-Year Term Rookie American Division President 1-Year Term Rookie National Division President 1-Year Term Minors Division President 1-Year Term Majors Division President 1-Year Term Babe Ruth Division President 1-Year Term 8U Softball Division President 1-Year Term 10U Softball Division President 1-Year Term 12/14U Division President 1-Year Term If the Season is cancelled, will I get a refund?
In the event that the season is cancelled after the season refund cutoff date due to the Government of the state of California, the state or county health departments or Federal government offices returning us to the purple tier (or similiar) -or- from modifications of the restrictions outlined by these governing bodies in regards to youth sports and their ability to operate, you hereby acknowledge that refunds will be issued by the league to the original form of payment of registration at a value that is equal to the remaining balance of funds from each players registration fees.The exact balance remaining value is determined by calculating all of the to-date season expenses from that players participation that have been paid in full with the remaining balance becoming the refund amount. We do acknowledge that this is big deal for many but based on the dates listed above there will be thousands of dollars invested per team to play and these funds will not be able to be returned to the league to allow us to return it to the parents. (Please note the refund structure and outlines as mentioned above).
If you have any questions, please feel free to email [email protected] or you may also message us on our Facebook messenger account or visit our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section on our website.OBSA REFUND POLICY REMINDER – Once the league has complete tryouts and the draft process has started, the league will of already started issuing out funds for every player registered to various outside entities including chartering, insurance, uniforms and more. Once tryouts are completed and the draft process has started, ALL SALES ARE FINAL and REFUND REQUESTS CAN NOT BE ACCEPTED! 2024 Refund policy cutoff – 6 pm January 20th, 2024.Mobile App for Parents, Players and Coaches
OBSA Teams Mobile App
Staying connected with your players team and to the league has never been more important. To make this information channel highway as smooth and easy as possible OBSA exclusively uses the Sports Connect “Stack Teams” integrated mobile app platform!
This fully integrated mobile app offers our parents, players and coaching staff a fully integrated experience with the Sports Connect platform and OBSA including-
- Team communications
Stay in touch with your players coaching staff. Receive messages and manage group conversations within your team. Email and chat functions are easily accessible I this feature. - Schedules
1) Stay on top of your players practice and game schedule with the Stack Team App. Live updates will keep you informed in the event of schedule changes due to uncontrollable factors like weather and notifications of new schedule times and/or game locations. - Standings
Stay on top of your teams win/tie/loss record during the regular season and live up to date standings as the league moves into playoffs and championships.
- Player Profiles and Team Rosters
Stay in touch with the rest of your team and get to know your players team in the Player Profile function. - Team Photo Galleries
Upload and share the greatest photos you grabbed from yesterday’s game with the rest of your players team! - League News
Receive new bulletins and announcements directly to your phone and app with the Stack Team App. - Direct links to the OBSA social media pages
OBSA has a lot of great information and posts about upcoming events and reviews of what’s happening in OBSA. Direct linking to our social media platforms is available in the Stack Team App!
Visit either the Google Play store or ITunes App Store and download the Sports Connect “Stack Team App”
Once you have the app downloaded it is important to log in using the SAME EMAIL hat you used to initially create your account on the Sports Connect platform at to register your player.
- Team communications
Navigational Guide to Fields
TL Davis Sports Complex
750 Warnerville Rd
Oakdale, CA 95361Total Fields- 6
T-Ball Field
Teichert Field
Shatswell Field
Abell Field
Basi Field
Steves Chevrolet FieldOther Details-
Snack Shack- Yes
Parking- On Warnerville Rd and Ackley Circle
Events– Games, Practices, Opening Day Ceremonies, Team Photos, Special EventsFair Oaks Elementary School
151 North Lee Ave
Oakdale, CA 95361Total Fields- 1
Fair Oaks Baseball Fields
Other Details-
Snack Shack- Yes
Parking- On Lee Ave
Events– Games, Practices, Special EventsKerr Park Sports Facility
840 N Sterns Rd
Oakdale, CA 95361Total Fields- 3
Field 1
Field 2
Field 3Other Details-
Snack Shack- Yes
Parking- Kerr Park main parking lot near the fields
Events– Games, Practices, Opening Day Ceremonies, Team Photos, Special EventsCottleswood Park
1344 E. J. Street
Oakdale, CA 95361Total Fields- 2
Field 1
Field 2
Other Details-
Snack Shack- No
Parking- Park facility parking lot
Events– Games, PracticesWilliam A Fish Park
Cliffwood Way
Oakdale, CA 95361Total Fields- 2
Field 1
Field 2
Other Details-
Snack Shack- No
Parking- On the corresponding streets to the park
Events– PracticesGilbert Park
399 N 8th Ave
Oakdale, CA 95361Total Fields- 1
Field 1Other Details-
Snack Shack- No
Parking- On Corresponding Streets to the park
Events– PracticesOBSA Refund Policy
Q: What is the refund policy for OBSA registrations?A: OBSA offers parents and players refunds of their registration fees and all related costs (except credit card processing fee’s and system processing fee’s) in full if requested by email to the league at [email protected] by no later than the end of the day prior to the start of the physical seasons scheduled draft sessions (see league calendar).
Q: Can I get a refund once the has finished tryouts, started the draft process or practices have started?
A: No, sorry. Once the league has complete tryouts and the draft process has started, the league will of already started issuing out funds for every player registered to various outside entities including chartering, insurance, uniforms and more. Once tryouts are completed and the draft process has started, ALL SALES ARE FINAL and REFUND REQUESTS CAN NOT BE ACCEPTED!
Refund Request Cutoff Date: January 19th, 2025 – 6 p.m.
Player Evaluations
Player Evaluations: The Insider’s Guide
2025 Tryout Schedule (UPDATED on 1/06/2025)-
Location: Oakdale High School
Date: January 11th, 2025
- Rookie National (8U) and Majors (11/12 age) – 9:00am
- Rookie American (7U) and Minors (9/10 age) – 11:00am
- Babe Ruth (13/14/15 age) – 1:00pm
- 8U – 9:00am
- 10U – 10:30am
- 12/14U – 12 Noon
Please arrive approximately 30-45 minutes BEFORE your tryout time in order to register and warm up.
Player evaluation check-in will be busy. There will be two lines per sport Division group (2 each for baseball and softball) split by last name. PLEASE arrive early complete the player check-in process and allow adequate time for your player to warm up. The Evaluation sessions will start ON-TIME as scheduled.
——————————————————————————————————————————–Evaluations for baseball and softball can seem very nerve-wracking, but it shouldn’t be. This guide is intended to explain the process so that both parents and players understand why we have evaluations, what occurs during the evaluations and how the information is used.
Who participates in Evaluations?
Evaluations are all player in Baseball and Softball for the following divisions-Baseball-
Babe Ruth (Ages 13-18)
Majors (Ages 11-12)
Minors (Ages 9-10)
Rookie National (Age 8)
Rookie American (Age 7)Softball-
12/14U (Ages 11-14)
10U (Ages 9-10)
8U (Ages 7-8)Players in Tball and Developmental Coach pitch do not need to report to player evaluations.
Why do we have to evaluations?
Evaluations provide coaches with a fair way to evaluate players, thus ensuring balanced teams. Our goal is to give every player a fun experience, and one way to ensure fun is to try to make teams as balanced as possible.What do we do during evaluations?
Every player is evaluated doing four things in most divisions: Hitting, Running, Fielding and Throwing. The upper divisions will also have pitching evaluations as well. Each player will swing at a few pitches, catch and field a couple balls, and make a few throws. There’s nothing more to the evaluation process. The following is what typically happens on evaluation day:- Check in at the check-in desk and get your player number. This number is yours for the 2024 season. Please make sure you place the player number stickers on your jersey where it can be easily seen.
- Report to the assigned field at the assigned time for your division.
- Your divisions Division president will be on hand to handle all aspects of the evaluation process. They will introduce themselves to the players and parents as well as the coaching staff for the season and give a quick run through of the evaluation process.
- Players will line up in order of their player numbers.
- As the division president will be onsite running the evaluations they will inform the players of what evaluation step they will do first (throwing, hitting, running, catching) As players complete each step they will proceed and line up again to the staging area for the next task.
- If your division is not a coach pitch division pitchers interested in pitching will line up in the pitching staging area to throw some pitches. We recommend every player try out to pitch. You never know where a great pitcher may come from.
- After this is complete, you’re all set.
When is my evaluation? What time should I arrive on the field?
Each division will be assigned to a specific time and field location. The schedule was included in your post purchase email receipt when you registered your player.
What happens if my player can’t make player evaluations?
Life and schedule conflicts happen, but that doesn’t mean if your player doesn’t show up to player evaluations they won’t be place on a team.Players who are not able to attend will not be eligible for the player draft. These players will be placed on teams at the end of the draft by means of a hat pick process.
What if my player wants to “play up” to the next division up?
Players can participate in season tryouts for the “opportunity” to play in “one age year division up” from their current age specific division. Players MUST check in for their “registered division” and tryout and be evaluated for their registered division AND the next age bracket division up. This included Developmental 6 players who want to tryout for 8U softball or Rookie American Coach Pitch.
NOTE: There is no guaranteed placement in the next division up simply by attending the player evaluations and coaches cannot pick players that have not attended player evaluations. Players MUST have evaluation ratings (and checked in at evaluations) and cannot be picked by coaches until all natively registered players in the division have been placed on a team. At that point available space will be determined.
What should I bring?
Be sure to bring a properly fitting and sized glove, batting helmet, an approved bat for your division of play (see bat rules here at and if you have them already cleats (not required for evaluations).What happens after player evaluations?
Coaches will use this information to help make their player selections during the league draft process. Player draft is typically around the end of January. Once draft is complete the league will start finalizing paperwork for all teams and loading the online registration system in preparation of system team launch so that players and coaches may begin to contact each other and begin practices.Player notifications can take up to the 2nd – 3rd week of February and practices are only permitted to start after February 20th, 2024 when league insurance begins on the players.
If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].
Safety Policies
Q: How will you ensure the safety of my child and verify your coaches?
A: All members of the board of directors, coaching staff, and any other league volunteer that will come into contact with children go through an extensive mandatory background check and are only approved once this background check is completed.Q: Is OBSA compliant with all aspects of the Safe Sports Act and its regulations?
A: Yes! As required by law, OBSA participates in the congressional mandated safe sports act and all members of OBSA including coaching staff, volunteers, board members and even the grounds keepers are required to take yearly Sexual Abuse Awareness training programs and pass the exam with 90% passing grade.Q: Are league volunteers, including board members paid?
A: No. All board members, coaches, and volunteers are here voluntarily and without any pay.
Q: In the event of an air quality alert, will OBSA cancel or reschedule events to address unhealthy air quality at or around the facilities?
A. In the event that the AQI (Air Quality Index) reaches 151, OBSA will cancel all events during this time or until the AQI drops below 151. The current AQI is posted actively on the OBSA website’s home page. OBSA will make every attempt to reschedule any cancelled events. However, OBSA reserves the right to cancel and NOT reschedule events due to AQI or other weather related reasons.
Q: Does OBSA close facilities and cancel games in the event of rain?
A: OBSA, in the event of unsuitable weather where the safety of the player and/or risk of excessive damage to the play surface, the league reserves the right to cancel any scheduled event, practice or game “at will” with little to no notice. although every attempt will be made to give as much advanced notice as possible, event cancellations could happen immediately prior to the beginning of the game, event or practice. Safety of the players and facility will always remain our number one priority, but rest assured that we will make every effort to keep things on schedule and players playing!
Q: How does the league handle games that run long and it gets too dark?
A: As a matter of safety, OBSA will call or suspend any game that runs into the time period of 15 minutes before official sunset. Official sunset is identified by visiting, finding the local weather report and using the “sunset” time published there. If a game has played enough innings to be considered complete the game will be called as is at its current score. Please note that an umpire or a member of the executive board may call, suspend or terminate any game if weather or lighting conditions are deemed unsafe for the game to continue.
Q: What if my player is sick?
A: f you have a fever, cough or other symptoms as defined by the CDC as a potential illness we require players and their parents to STAY HOME! Players, regardless of preventive measures can get sick from time-to-time. As a courtesy to your players team and to those around you, please STAY AT HOME! Most people have illnesses and are able to recover at home. If you think you or your player may have been exposed to COVID-19 or have any of the known symptoms or indicators of Covid-19, Stay at home and do not participate in any OBSA activities, contact your healthcare provider and notify your players coach or the OBSA board of directors ASAP! Do not return to any OBSA scheduled game, event or practice until you have been symptom free for at least 72 hours after the last known indication of any symptom related to Covid-19 and/or a negative COVID test.
Volunteer Requirements
Q: Are parents required to volunteer in the snack shack or other operations of the league?
A: OBSA is a completely volunteer non-profit organization. As such OBSA is 100% financially self responsible for the complete operating costs of each season. The Snack Shack is a key component of fundraising for the league which helps offset the costs of running the season each year ultimately helping reduce the per player costs which cumulatively are split across every dollar it takes to make the season happen yearly.Q: My child’s coach just asked all the team parents to participate and volunteer to work in the snack shack. Do we really need to do this?
A: Yes? As per the registration agreement that you signed, when registering your child to play, you agreed to volunteer in the snack shack.
Q: How many hours per season is each team required to work in the snack shack?
A: Each person who does not purchase the “Snack Shack Buyout” at the time of registration of their player may be required to work up to 4 hours per season in the snack shack. As an alternative to Snack Shack duty, on special occasions a general request may go out to all teams looking for volunteers for special events and other league activities on busy game days.
Q: My coach says if nobody volunteers for Snack Shack that he will be suspended from the next game and/or the team will have to forfeit their next game? Is this really true?
A: Yes! As per the coach’s code of conduct and the agreement they signed and the parent Volunteer agreement signed at the time of registration, Coaches and parents agree to fill these scheduling requirements in the snack shack. If nobody shows up they will be suspended from the next scheduled game and the team may be required to forfeit their next game.
Q: I simply don’t have the additional time to volunteer! Is there a way for my to buy out this time requirement?
A: Yes! Parents/guardians may choose to purchase the OBSA Snack Shack buyout at the cost of $85 for the season for each player they register. This will waive your agreed terms to the volunteer requirements.