Player Evaluations: The Insider’s Guide


2025 Tryout Schedule (UPDATED  on 1/06/2025)-

Location: Oakdale High School

Date: January 11th, 2025


  • Rookie National (8U) and Majors (11/12 age) – 9:00am
  • Rookie American (7U) and Minors (9/10 age) – 11:00am
  • Babe Ruth (13/14/15 age) – 1:00pm


  • 8U – 9:00am
  • 10U – 10:30am
  • 12/14U – 12 Noon

Please arrive approximately 30-45 minutes BEFORE your tryout time in order to register and warm up.

Player  evaluation check-in will be busy. There will be two lines per sport Division group (2 each for baseball and softball) split by last name. PLEASE arrive early complete the player check-in process and allow adequate time for your player to  warm up. The Evaluation sessions will start ON-TIME as scheduled.


Evaluations for baseball and softball can seem very nerve-wracking, but it shouldn’t be. This guide is intended to explain the process so that both parents and players understand why we have evaluations, what occurs during the evaluations and how the information is used.

Who participates in Evaluations?
Evaluations are all player in Baseball and Softball for the following divisions-

Babe Ruth (Ages 13-18)
Majors (Ages 11-12)
Minors (Ages 9-10)
Rookie National (Age 8)
Rookie American (Age 7)

12/14U (Ages 11-14)
10U (Ages 9-10)
8U (Ages 7-8)

Players in Tball and Developmental Coach pitch do not need to report to player evaluations.

Why do we have to evaluations?
Evaluations provide coaches with a fair way to evaluate players, thus ensuring balanced teams. Our goal is to give every player a fun experience, and one way to ensure fun is to try to make teams as balanced as possible.

What do we do during evaluations?
Every player is evaluated doing four things in most divisions: Hitting, Running, Fielding and Throwing. The upper divisions will also have pitching evaluations as well. Each player will swing at a few pitches, catch and field a couple balls, and make a few throws. There’s nothing more to the evaluation process. The following is what typically happens on evaluation day:

  1. Check in at the check-in desk and get your player number. This number is yours for the 2024 season. Please make sure you place the player number stickers on your jersey where it can be easily seen.
  2. Report to the assigned field at the assigned time for your division.
  3. Your divisions Division president will be on hand to handle all aspects of the evaluation process. They will introduce themselves to the players and parents as well as the coaching staff for the season and give a quick run through of the evaluation process.
  4. Players will line up in order of their player numbers.
  5. As the division president will be onsite running the evaluations they will inform the players of what evaluation step they will do first (throwing, hitting, running, catching) As players complete each step they will proceed and line up again to the staging area for the next task.
  6. If your division is not a coach pitch division pitchers interested in pitching will line up in the pitching staging area to throw some pitches. We recommend every player try out to pitch. You never know where a great pitcher may come from.
  7. After this is complete, you’re all set.

When is my evaluation?  What time should I arrive on the field?
Each division will be assigned to a specific time and field location.  The schedule was included in your post purchase email receipt when you registered your player.


What happens if my player can’t make player evaluations?
Life and schedule conflicts happen, but that doesn’t mean if your player doesn’t show up to player evaluations they won’t be place on a team.

Players who are not able to attend will not be eligible for the player draft. These players will be placed on teams at the end of the draft by means of a hat pick process.

What if my player wants to “play up” to the next division up?

Players can participate in season tryouts for the “opportunity” to play in “one age year division up” from their current age specific division. Players MUST check in for their “registered division” and tryout and be evaluated for their registered division AND the next age bracket division up.  This included Developmental 6 players who want to tryout for 8U softball or Rookie American Coach Pitch.

NOTE: There is no guaranteed placement in the next division up simply by attending the player evaluations and coaches cannot pick players that have not attended player evaluations. Players MUST have evaluation ratings (and checked in at evaluations) and cannot be picked by coaches until all natively registered players in the division have been placed on a team. At that point available space will be determined. 

What should I bring?
Be sure to bring a properly fitting and sized glove, batting helmet, an approved bat for your division of play (see bat rules here at and if you have them already cleats (not required for evaluations).

What happens after player evaluations?
Coaches will use this information to help make their player selections during the league draft process. Player draft is typically around the end of January. Once draft is complete the league will start finalizing paperwork for all teams and loading the online registration system in preparation of system team launch so that players and coaches may begin to contact each other and begin practices.

Player notifications can take up to the 2nd – 3rd week of February and practices are only permitted to start after February 20th, 2024 when league insurance begins on the players.

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].